Our application has been prepared comprehensively for the candidates who will take the Driving License Exam. Everything about the drivers license exam to the finest details is included in our application. In addition, the tests for the drivers license e exam have been added. There are instructional videos for the steering test and detailed explanations of the steering test.The Ministry of National Education has published questions until 2018 with a driving license exam. Therefore, those up to that year are included in the application. You can see content such as this years questions in different applications, but those contents are intended to deceive you. We have been honest in our application and have only added content that was actually out of the drivers license exam.Driving License TrainingWe explained in detail what you should and should not do in the driving test. In addition, we tried to convey what you need to do visually by adding steering test videos.Traffic signsYou can work by sliding all the traffic signs from the traffic signs category we have prepared completely.The drivers license exam is now held in the form of an e-exam. The candidate who takes the e-exam answers the questions on the touch screen within 45 minutes. A total of 50 questions are asked.Our application offers you the latest questions and lectures from the newest sources with its constantly updated content. For this reason, you can start working on our content early in the drivers license exam in 2022.